How High Quality Backlinks Make Me $1000 In a Single Day

what's up Debbie Jamrock CW super affiliate here in this video I'm going to talk about how to get high quality backlinks to make a thousand dollars in a single day my name is
Dan Brock's the deadbeat super affiliate and if you're trying to build an online business

from the comfort of your living room sofa this is the channel for use to make sure you hit that subscribe button and then take that belt so that you're notified of any videos that are released when I release them art so today I'm going to share a topic that has made me a thousand dollars in a single day here is a screenshot of that and just to be completely clear this is on a good day so this is still to this day pulls in regular two and three hundred dollar days with this SEO tactics that I'm gonna share today now real quick though I have to give a quick disclaimer or YouTube is starting to get on my case about this basically the money that I claim to make in this video while I do make that legally I can't claim that my following white teacher here today you're gonna be able to make the same amount of money or any money at all now that said I do believe this will work in any niche market out there so if you put it in action I'm certain that you will at least get positive results alright because all that said stubborn ones the tutorial and I'll show you step by step three ways to scout out high quality backlinks in any niche market out there you ready get those tube socks on let's get to the good stuff follow me here we go all right Debbie so there comes the point where social bookmarking is only going to take you so far so there's certain techniques that I use to make my content breakthrough in other words break the straw on the camel's back I don't think that's the right thing to show that broke the camel's back is what it is what I'm saying is that you are gonna have to do it other things in addition to this but this is kind of like that key piece to getting your site with a beer videos to your blog posts to break through they don't over to Google what we're going to do is we're going to use it utilize one of Google's properties to siphon off some high quality highly targeted backlinks all right so what you're gonna do is you're typing blogspot com space whatever your niches to minus snoring if you go to my or the snore bloggers when we working on and we're going to type in the date so you don't want to type in either to thousands wherever the date is and you can sometimes go back so 2017 right now 2016 you're pushing it though so this is if you've exhausted all the backlinks ideally you want to start in a year that is so 2018 or 2019 that you're in watching this video and type that instead you're going to hit that then you can start browsing these clogs and seeing if they have content anomaly regular rate of yours that you have the ability to comment and leave a link on these blogs so the reason why I always add 2017 is just to make sure that the blog commenting on is a fresh vlog all right so I found that a blog to comment on this one is called I don't want to reveal the name of the site but basically this is an article about new year's resolutions and you know are stopping story better health is going to be part of her new year's resolution so what I do is also confirm that she's actually approving comment so I look around other posts and I want to make sure that there are other comments being approved this one has a comment it lets me know that she's at least approving some comments on the site so we're going to do is I actually read the post I'm trying to comment on you want to spend time reading it and you're going to add some value to the post now the exact opposite of what you want to do is stand this everyone does this don't spam don't be that guy you're going to want to leave some value all right so after reading this I have a good idea what she's talking about so I'm going to leave a comment so I'm hit that no comment link and then from here what I'm going to do is I'm going to select the name / URL option so hit that you type your website URL so you might either want to build back links to your specific homepage it could be a youtube video this is why uses a lot for boost my youtube videos it could be you know a page an actual internal page in your site so for me I'm going to grab the art of snore snoring page because it's related I saw grab the link to my stop snoring guide page and that's where i'm going to link back to some of my URL here and just to make it a little bit not in their face i'm just going to type my name your mate alright so if you can get away with it you might want to include a little bit of anchor text so it could do something like this but i'm going to assume since the person's a webmaster that they're probably not going to improve that there's someone that's trying to do something similar to me so i'm going to do this do damn damn be here it's not the best link as far as extra text concern but even having a basic link can help your site significantly here alright so I expected something alright so I just left a quick comment I basically read her post and usually I tried to keep the information generally complete rude to me so this is what I'm about I have issues of snoring you know Bill figure I'm the deadbeat snore sometimes got a lot better recently because of the few things cut back alcohol worked out a lot more I'm going to post that publish it Irish through the comments been submitted and she will approve it eventually now this wasn't going to happen all the time but you can expect about a forty percent completion rate when give or take you're not the exact science but a good portion of people will actually improve your link so is a little bit of a headache at first but this is something that's going to benefit you for years to come so it's just work spending it may be an hour out of your day getting some of these high quality backlinks alright so let's check another site you can do something like wordpress com add that plus snoring plus 2017 dreams get results like this and then go through here now it's going to be different depending on whatever your niches WordPress might have more sites blogspot might have more sites it's very significant ish let's do it this the old man is snoring alright so here's a post the title is the old man is snoring however the post is about I guess her trip to go into like Washington to DC and she looks like to be a Donald Trump hater alright so this is just a quick lesson on why some pages even though on the headline it might say something about snoring if the page is about Donald Trump the link won't be as valuable if you get a link on them but because there is a piece about snoring on it you might get a little bit of link to from a page like this so this is wordpress com you can comment on here one of these posts describes your comment your name and your website alright cool to find one more alright so here's the site you might be able to comment on as well so again it just helps to view up the other posts go to the homepage of the site and see if the blog is active so smart 5th so it's relatively active and just see sometimes there's other comments on the vlog so here's some other comments so it's likely that she'll approve yours or he he or she will approve viewers if you need a good comment and a final tip oldie but goodie very common sense stuff but works go to google and type in your main keyword so whatever that is and just go through these sites one by one and see which ones have comments sections and try to get your link on them so I've used this exact tactic to rank them my other health sites my other help YouTube videos on page one of Google doing exactly this so it's common sense people might be saying like yet everyone knows that but you be surprised as the quality of links that you can find so this is a technique I definitely recommend you do combining all these together you're going to see some good result alright so there you have it that's exactly what you need to do to get your stuff to the first page of Google now I did mention previously in this video that there are some foundation principles that I also use in conjunction with this so if you want to learn those foundation principles i do have a three guys that you can access will be pop it up on window somewhere around here spike somewhere above me here click that free guide and we'll show you how to make an early amazoncom affiliate website and helps you rank it on google organically safely one hundred percent white hat you can click that image or go to deadbeat University calm / guide alright so it's going to take you to a page that looks something like this might change in the near future and again this shows you step-by-step how to create an affiliate website from scratch and rank it on google so use the information that i tell you in this video to take what i teach you in my free guide to the next level this will help you get your affiliate sites to the level you want them to be alright so make sure you check that out a lot of people have gotten their start with that specific guide now all that said my name is Dan Barack see Debbie Subaru it subscribe to my channel if you haven't I am releasing new videos on affiliate marketing make my online traffic generation SEO and more so hit that subscribe button and pick the bell icon for your notified of any videos that I've released in the future also share this video with your friends and comment below if you have any questions for me about anything related to high quality backlinks SEO or anything of that nature my name is Dan braxi  deadbeat super affiliate now see you deadbeats later 

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